Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dodging Bullets

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't get what you wanted? Or maybe a little worse, who you wanted. Everything seemed right, but for some reason it didn't work out the way you wanted to.  As time passes, you eventually get over it. Sometimes, though, you realized what a bullet you dodged. That, my friends, is one of the greatest feelings.

For me, that just happened. I will spare the sob-story details because I don't feel like whining right now and it's quite obvious what took place. However, I now know how lucky am I. While it hurt like crazy when things didn't work out the way I wanted them to and the way I hoped and really thought they would. It's something I would think about all the time. It's something I just couldn't seem to get over. Very slowly, I seemed to be moving on. Every now and then, something would pull me back in. But eventually I was over it. Once I was out of the situation, I could see very clearly that I was the lucky one for not getting what I wanted. What I wanted was neither good for me, nor good enough for me. I deserve a lot more and a lot better than what I was getting. Every girl deserves better than what I was getting. Knowing and accepting made me feel so much better about myself. A recent discovery though, affirmed a hundred fold what I had come to grips with. I realized in anger, resentment, disbelief at my own naivety and stupidity, but also with satisfaction and thankfulness that I had been spared a headache and an even worse heartache. It was something I couldn't see at all when I was in the midst of it. But now, now I can't believe how true it was that I was the lucky one.

So my friends, when someone says "When one door closes, another one opens", "it all works out for the best", or whatever the cliche you are given as a sorry attempt to make you feel better- it's actually true. Yeah, it doesn't make you feel any better or make you see things any more clearly. But I promise, it's true. Be strong, remember what you DESERVE, respect yourself, and hold your head up high. I promise, you're probably dodging a very, very messy and painful bullet.

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